New Disney World Resort Discounts are now available to the general public!
Here are the details using booking code RYD:
- For Value resorts during most nights (Sunday - Thursday) from April 19th - June 4th rates are just $68 + tax.
- For Moderate resorts during most nights (Sunday - Thursday) from April 19th - June 4th rates are just $104 + tax.
- For the Animal Kingdom and Wilderness Lodge (Deluxe Resorts) during all nights from April 19th - June 6th rates are just $179 + tax for standard rooms.
- For Studio Rooms at Disney's Saratoga Springs and Old Key West Resorts: From April 19th - June 6th, Rates are: $209 + tax Sunday through Thursday, and only $169 + tax on Friday and Saturday nights.
These rates can be obtained through the Disney World Website , Disney World Reservations at (407) 939-7603, or through your favorite Travel Agent using the rate code given above.
Some restrictions may apply. Refer to the Disney Web site for any additional information.

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