Disney World has made the official 2009 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival Guide that you receive at Epcot when you attend the festival, available on-line for free.
This 42 page guide lists all of the special activities and presentations associated with the festival, and a schedule of times for all of the events and demonstrations.
This is very handy for planning your Festival visit.
Here is the link: Official 2009 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival Guide
The theme for this year's festival is: "Celebrating Culinary Adventures".
Highlights for the 14th annual F&W Festival running from Spetember 25th through November 8th include:
- Culinary Demonstrations
- Wine Tasting Seminars
- Over 25 Special Food and Drink Kiosks set up throughout the World Showcase offering tapas-sized portions of food from $2 - $7.
- "Eat To The Beat" Concerts nightly from nationally acclaimed musical acts.
- Numerous special events involving guest Chefs and speakers.

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