This morning I represented Only WDWorld at the Disney World "Race for the Taste 10K". This was not only my first Disney Endurance Series Race, it was also my 1st ever 10k!
The day start by catching a taxi at 5:45 am to get from the Boardwalk Villas to Disney's Wide World of Sports, where the race started.
The amount of people that gathered before the race was amazing. I believe that there were nearly 4,000 runners as the race was listed as FULL on the website a couple of days prior to the event.
After everyone was staged according to expected pace levels we heard a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem and then it was time for the race to begin at 7:00 AM.
There was one wheelchair competitor in the 10K and she went first. Two minutes later the sea of runners started off to begin our adventure.
Not being a runner, I was amazed at the silence as hundreds of people were around me, but the only noise was the pounding of shoes on the pavement.
After the first mile the runners started to separate and it was a little easier to negotiate around people. I was always working to dodge in and out of traffic to find some open space and get to a comfortable pace.
After the 2 mile mark we entered Disney's Hollywood Studios. We entered the park at the rear and ran across the set of Lights, Motors, Action! and they projected the runners on the giant screen as we ran by.
We then worked our way through the park and left near the front entrance. It was then time for the path between Hollywood Studios and Epcot. It was nice to run by the Boardwalk, Swan, Dolphin, Yacht Club, and Beach Club Resorts.
The cast members staged at different places along the race course to encourage us was great. It really did help!
Once we got to Epcot, this was the part of the run that I had been imagining in my training for the past month. Only in real life I was more tired at this point than during my imaginary runs through Epcot.
Having all of the other people running with you really helped give you the energy to keep going. At one point in the race this lady told the guy that had stopped at the side that it was time to get going again. He didn't know her, but thanked her for helping him get re-motivated and start running again.
It was a great friendly event.
At the Finish Line Mickey Mouse himself was there to greet the Finishers.
The Finishers Medal is really cool and it is something that I will certainly remember. Although I was no where near the first finishers, my wife, serving as Only WDWorld's official photographer was able to capture both the men's and the woman's winner of the race.

After the race, there were four different food stations from the Food & Wine Festival that you could visit as each runner got 3 food coupons for participating.
For me, just finishing was enough, but as a bonus I finished right at my goal of 1 hour , so I am very happy. I would highly recommend a Disney Endurance Series Race for anyone to participate in. It is for the serious and the not so serious runner alike.

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