There is nothing like celebrating a Special Occasion at Disney World. I have been fortunate enough to spend two birthdays at Disney World and tomorrow will be my 3rd.
2004 Birthday Celebration
In 2004 I had my first opportunity to spend my birthday with my family at the Walt Disney World Resort. After bravely asking for my birthday button at Guest Services in Epcot, I proudly wore it all day.
This is not the normal thing for a grown man to do, but it was fun to have Disney Cast Members wish me a Happy Birthday all day. I had a great time enoying my birthday at my favorite place on earth.
2006 Birthday Extravaganza
In 2006 I turned 40. In order to confront this milestone head on, I decided that a "Birthday Week" at Disney World was in order. Fortunately my kids were still young enough at the time, that I didn't worry about taking them out of school for a week to join my wife and I.
We had a fabulous time, and on my actual birthday, I again got a Birthday Pin to proudly wear. You will not catch me wearing a pin anywhere else on earth except Disney World. At Disney World the rules are different. It is okay to put your guard down and just celebrate and have a good time.
December 12th, 2009 - What Will You celebrate?
This was not supposed to be a year that I was going to visit Disney World for my birthday.
The problem was that Disney made a big deal about visiting on your birthday this year. They kept advertising the fact that you could visit for FREE on your birthday. I resisted the temptation for most of the year, but Disney World kept calling to me.
"What will you Celebrate?"....."What will you Celebrate?"...."What will YOU Celebrate?"
I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down and figured out how I could schedule a long weekend around my Saturday birthday to get to Disney World.
Finally I made reservations at Saratoga Springs Resort and conned my family into coming along.
So tomorrow morning around 4:00 AM we will start the 10 hour drive to Disney World in order to allow me to celebrate my birthday properly. Although we will have to go home on Monday, we will make the most of our day and a half that we get to visit the parks.
There is no place that I would rather spend my birthday than the Walt Disney World Resort. I feel very fortunate that I will get to experience December 12th at Disney World for the 3rd time in my life.
If you are visiting Disney World tomorrow, you may run into me. I will be the one wearing the Happy Birthday button!

Happy Birthday Jamie. How wonderful your family must be to drive 10 hours to let you celebrate your birthday at Disney World.