The Dragon Legend Acrobats are a crowd pleasing acrobatic troupe that has been performing at Epcot in the China Pavilion of World Showcase since 1996. Their show will be leaving Disney World soon, so let's take a look at the show that has entertained so many over the years.
Dragon Legend Acrobats
The Dragon Legend Acrobats are made up of boys and girls ages 10 - 18 from the Pu Yang Academy of Acrobatics in China. These young performers are quite talented and it is always interesting to see the feats of balance, flexibility, and skill that they are demonstrating.
They can take a simple concept like a hula hoop or jumping rope and turn it into a display of skill that amazes. In this presentation the performers are able to not only keep a couple of hoops moving, but also to pass them along to each other and eventually the center performer was able to keep an unbelievable number of hoops rotating with her entire body.
There are also performers that can demonstrate amazing flexibility. This young lady in the pictures below was not only flexible, but she could balance that bowl and move it deftly with her feet. Like a good magician, she had the audience mesmerized by her act.
Amazing Live Entertainment
The Dragon Legend Acrobats have performed at Epcot for nearly 15 years. During that time many different acrobats have performed delighting numerous Epcot guests. For many people like myself their performances will be fond memories of past Disney World vacations. It was always hard to not stop and watch when you saw that they were performing on their outdoor stage in full view of the main walkway past the China Pavilion.
I do not know what form of entertainment will come next to the China Pavilion, but I do know that the Dragon Legend Acrobats are certainly a tough act to follow.
Thanks for making many memorable moments over the years!

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